9/11- The Loss of Lives and Rights

9/11 is still fresh on the mind of many people, never before has such a devastating attack happen on American Soil. Many people will never forget where they where when that tragic string of events began. But, most people in this country don’t realize, we didn’t just tragically lose scores of our own countrymen, but  we lost score of our own rights as well. How? The Patriot Act.

This bill was almost unanimously approved by congress and passed with much fanfare. Sadly, the men and women who passed the bill were so blind with rage that they didn’t take a moment to realize the power this bill gave the government, and the rights it striped away from her citizens. This gross accuse of protecting “freedom” not only destroyed our personal privacy, but beefed up the presidents power to search whomever they like, imprison “suspects” without due cause, wire tap all our phones and much more very UN-freedom like things. Here is a list of some of the rights the Patriot act killed:


-Freedom of Association – Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigation.
– Freedom of Information – Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.                                                                       -Freedom of Speech – Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation.
-Right to Legal Representation – Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes.
-Freedom from Unreasonable Searches – Government may search and seize Americans’ papers and effects without probable cause to assist terror investigation.
-Right to a Speedy and Public Trial – Government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.
-Right to Liberty – Americans may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

The Patriot Act is a poor excuse of law making, and directly violates our Constitutional Rights! Ones Countrymen should never settle to give up your rights in the face of fear, that is one of the first steps to totalitarianism. Another entity brought fourth in the post 9/11 world is the Dept. of Homeland Security. Just reading that name has national, brute, police force written all over it.

The Dept. of Homeland Security was created in response to 9/11 to better safe guard our nation against attack. How do they do this? Illegal UN-constitutional surveillance. This entire Executive Dept. does nothing more than beef up the power of our president, while systematically killing many of our rights that were once given to us by our Constitution.

The people need to stand up and show the government that we are not willing to give up rights in the face of fear. The government needs to know that their power solely lies in the governed. No longer will we let our constitution to be stepped all over by our so called public servants. Kill the Patriot Act and restore our rights!

Food Shortages

“A world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidable,” according to an industry trade group.

Its official, food shortages have begun. That is one of the first signs of civil unrest to come. Who is to blame for this and any shortages in the future? There are many reasons, global drought,  government over regulation of the free markets, and many more. But what is certain is the fact that food shortages and price spikes are always a prelude to revolt. We live in turbulent times.

Spanish Government responds to peaceful 25S protest with violence

Coming soon to an America near you.


Exactly as the police and Government intended, writes Iurgi Urrutia, the peaceful 25S protest in Madrid turned violent.

Scenes from the 25S protest in Madrid overnight

[Read Carl Scrase’s article from yesterday about the 25S plan to Occupy the Spanish Congress.]

In the lead up to the 25S protests, the Spanish Government tried to intimidate protesters by spreading rumours that fascists groups were behind the event; sending the police to arrest various organisers whose crime was simply to hold planning meetings and bearing a banner with the words “Occupy the Congress”, and comparing the planned protest with the coup d’etat in 1981 led by General Tejero. None of it was true, and the streets of Spain have been flooded by citizens demanding democratic reforms.

It is important to note that the organisers of the event have been transparent about the organising and the aims. They held meetings in…

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Rumors of War

A top Iranian official said they will strike back at Israel and the US if Israel attempts to take out her Nuclear Reactors. He also threatens that an attack may lead to WWIII. How should we view this possibility of another global conflict? With fear.

Over tangling alliances brought us into the first two World Wars, now they threaten to bring us into a third! Our politicians need to realize the only way to avoid war is to turn to military isolationism and an integrated global economy. With tension flares in the South China Sea and the ever rising tension, yet again, in the Middle East I fear WWIII may be in the works, and we must act. All the pieces are in motion. It has happened twice before, why cant it happen a third? First action we can take is by not electing Romney, second action we can take is by allowing for a truly free election where every party gets a fair chance. The people are sick of choosing from bad to worse. Think, listen, and act.


Iran Commander: Israeli Attack Could Start WW3


What do recent world events mean for US foreign policy?

Writing Politically


So, it seems like the last couple days have seen some pretty dramatic developments on the world stage. Two separate incidents involving US consulates happened Tuesday. First, the US embassy in Cairo was breached by demonstrators who were apparently upset over a film depicting the prophet Muhammad. Apparently, the LA Times is reporting that Egyptian officials have arrested at least four individuals involved in this breach.

Additionally, was the events in Benghazi, Libya where an American ambassador and three other state department workers were killed in an attack. it seems unclear who was responsible for this attack, but The Telegraph is reporting a variety of Islamist militant groups are being investigated by authorities.

Then the ongoing drama between China and Japan over some uninhabitable islands (that happen to be suspected of being on top of vast natural resource deposits) became slightly more intense Thursday. Reuters is reporting that six Chinese ships entered the…

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